Martijn René Manders
Prof. Dr. Martijn Rene Manders
Faculty of Archaeology University Leiden
Coordinator international maritime heritage
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE)
Address: Kamerdalseberg 45
3845 EN Amersfoort
The Netherlands
Mobile telephone: +31 6 12504382
Telephone work: +31 33 4227752
Email: m.manders@cultureelerfgoed.nl
Date of Birth: 19th of March 1970
Nationality: Dutch
Relevant Education
2017 Phd, University of Leiden: Preseving a layered history of the Western Wadden Sea. Managing an underwater cultural heritage resource.
2009 Creating project wise. Project management. Pharos.
2005 Conflict Assessment and Negotiations, Schouten en Nelissen.
2001 Project Management, Twijnstra and Gudde, Leusden
1988-2000 Dive educations: CMAS 1 and 2 stars, PADI, IANTD, NITROX, Dolphin Rebreather, gas mix blending, HSE 1, Duikarbeid A and B (Dutch professional diving licenses), MAD A (Medical Aspects of Diving; (diving) diseases and treatments, decompression illness and treatments).
1996 Course; Management and Organisation at the Rijks Opleidingen Institute (ROI, Government Education Institute) in The Hague.
1992-1996 Free-doctoral” Study Underwater Archaeology at the faculties of Prehistory, History and Archaeology at the University of Leiden.
1989-1992 Archaeology of South/Southwest Asia at the University of Leiden
1988-1990 Basic Archaeology at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands
1982-1988 VWO (high school, preparation for University): History, Geography, Biology, Dutch, English, German, Math.
Working experiences in Archaeology
I started my work in 1990. Since then it has taken me all over the world, executing fieldwork from Japan to Australia and from Argentina to Sweden. In total 18 different countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific and South America.
The work comprised of all stages in maritime archaeological and cultural heritage management, from surveys to excavation, in situ preservation and monitoring. The sites ranged from prehistoric sites to World War 2 sites. My specialisation is on overall management of (partly) submerged sites. My thesis was about the management of the Western Wadden Sea, part of the UNESCO world heritage site The Wadden Sea.
Over the years I have executed several large EU projects aimed at management of underwater sites: MoSS, BACPOLES, MACHU, Wreckprotect, SASMAP. I was either country project leader or overall project leader.
Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage Management
2013-2018 Official member of the Management of Cultural Heritage faculty group at Leiden University (https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/martijn-manders#tab-1).
2016-2018 Leidraad Archeologie in waterbodems, KNA-SIKB.
Since 2016 Head of Maritime Programme International for the Dutch Government (www.maritime-heritage.com)
Since 2013 Member of the scientific board of the German Maritime Museum (www.dsm.museum)
2011-2016 Head of Programme Maritime Heritage Dutch Government (www.maritiem-erfgoed.nl)
2010 Vision for Maritime Heritage 2020
Since 2009 Investigating possible ratification of the UNESCO convention 2001 on the protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands.
2008 Developing KNA-preservation in situ-standard.
Since 2008 Shared Heritage Policy for the ministry of OCW (Education, Culture and Science) and BuZa (Foreign affairs)
2008 Expert/Advisor in Steering Committee Galle Fieldschool/centre of excellence
2008-2009 Advisor/mediator for the Finnish and Russian Government in shared heritage and the investigation of the Vrouw Maria.
2007 Advisor Commission Dutch Archaeology Quality Standard (KNA-Waterbodems)
2007-present Expert/advisor for UNESCO Asia and partner countries on possible Centre of Excellence in Asia
2006-2008 Member of the Board ICOMOS Netherlands
2006-present Member of the International Committee on Underwater Cultural Heritage (World wide expert group: ICUCH)
2005-2009 Member of GEO (Gemeenschappelijk overleg Erfgoed Overzee), advisory group for the government and the subsidizing of (long term) projects under the HGIS funding.
2004-2007 Member of the working group to give the amateur archaeology groups in the Netherlands (maritime and terrestrial) a place in the existing order of archaeology.
2003-2006 Assisting the VIOE (Flemish Department of Heritage) in the development of a section in maritime heritage/archaeology.
2003-2006 Working for “Maritime Heritage Management” of the ROB, assigned to develop and execute policy on maritime heritage in the Netherlands, the co-ordination of amateur-maritime archaeologist groups in the Netherlands. Expert on degradation processes and the safeguarding of shipwrecks.
2001 Member of the Dutch delegation for the fourth UNESCO meeting to study the Draft Convention for the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UNESCO Convention 2001, Paris).
1996 Assisting at the conference Dutch Cultural Heritage Overseas (GEO). Purpose: to inform Dutch Cultural Attaches about Dutch Cultural Heritage Overseas and to discuss ways to protect.
1996 writer for the governmental document on the Archaeology Policy in the period 2001-2004. Commissioner; the minister of Culture. Title: “Oog in Oog met het Verleden; de Archeologie als Spiegel. Beleidsplan 2001-2004.
Teaching and lecturing
2018 University Head Teacher Maritime Archaeology at Leiden University (soon to be appointed)
2014 UNESCO Foundation Course St Eustatius
2012 UNESCO Foundation Course Jamaica
2011 Fieldschool In situ preservation, wreckprotect project, Roskilde Denmark.
2010-present Lecturer at Leiden University Masters Maritime Archaeology
2008-present Lecturer at Saxion University for Applied Sciences
2009 Guest lecturer maritime archaeology Leiden
2009-2012 Coordinator and teacher for UNESCO Fieldschool Thailand, Chanthaburi.
2008-2011 Developing the curriculum for UNESCO Fieldschool: Foundation course (6 weeks) and advanced courses (1 to 2 weeks) in Thailand, Chathaburi.
2008 Trainer maritime archaeology (NAS) for VIOE (Belgium)
2008 Developing curriculum for Unesco Fieldschool and Centre of Excellence on Heritage, Underwater Cultural Heritage, shared and mutual heritage, ethics.
2008 Developing curriculum for the Saxion University in Deventer, The Netherlands on Underwater Cultural Heritage.
2007 Unesco Fieldschool Underwater Archaeology in Galle, Sri Lanka
2002-2012 Guest Lecturer University of Amsterdam (UvA).
2011-2013 Guest Lecturer at Groningen University
2005-2006 Organising Workshops in Argentina. Subject: The use of Shallow Water Geophysics in Maritime Archaeology.
2004-2010 Developing a new course on maritime archaeology for amateur groups and archaeology students in the Netherlands. This is in co-operation with the AWN/LWAOW (organisation for amateur archaeologists).
2004-present Giving courses (theoretical as well as practical) in maritime (underwater) archaeology (AWN/LWAOW and NAS courses).
2003-present International NAS-tutor (Nautical Archaeology Society).
2002-2004 Practical and theoretical training archaeologist, members of the Maritime Archaeological Unit in Sri Lanka.
1999-2002 Guest lecturer at the University of Leiden in a sequence on Maritime Archaeology. Subject: Cargo and Trade.
1999 Guest lecturer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
1999 Guest lecturer at the University of Calgary, Canada.
Besides this, I have given many lectures to amateur-archaeologists, diving groups, students, colleagues and other people interested in Dutch culture, archaeology and maritime archaeology and history in general. My first public talk I gave at the Glavimans symposium (Dutch and Belgium maritime archaeologists and historians) in 1992. The countries where I have given my talks are; The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, France, Canada, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Latvia, Ireland, Brazil, Spain, Turkey, Thailand, Russia, Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Jamaica, Brazil, Croatia, Japan and Chile.
Dutch: Native Language
English: Well written and spoken
German: Well written and spoken
French: Reasonably written and spoken
Spanish: Basically written and spoken
I can provide a list of more than 100 articles related to maritime and underwater cultural heritage management and research. These have been published from popular scientific magazines to peer reviewed articles.
See also: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user2CS8vscAAAAJ&hl=en